The power LED will always be on and will remain solid while the Valve Controller is powered on.
The Wi-Fi LED has several different configurations depending on the state of the Valve Controller. The Wi-Fi LED will either be mostly on and flashing or mostly off and flashing.
- If the LED is mostly on and flashing, the Wi-Fi credentials have been configured.
- If the Wi-Fi LED blinks twice, the Wi-Fi access point of the Valve Controller is enabled.
- If it blinks 4 times, the Wi-Fi has been configured but there is no internet connection from the router.
- If it blinks 6 times, the Wi-Fi has been configured and the Valve Controller has internet access, but the Valve Controller is not connecting to our back end.
The 3rd LED is the GuardianRF LED and will signify active communication between the Valve Controller and Leak Detectors.